Ceres Homestead History.


The halls of Ceres Homestead were graced by many a guest, including royalty - the Duke of Edinburgh & Prince Alfred.

Historically, it is the gift from his mother, Queen Victoria - a cutting of vine from Hampton Court Palace, that now majestically crowns the central hall of the home, making the feel of Ceres Homestead unique and unforgettable.


“Ceres Homestead”, Learmonth is located in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Named fortuitously after the Goddess of Agriculture, Harvest and Motherly love, the generations that followed would nurture the land and live from its bounty.

A country estate built in 1864 by Thomas and Joanna Bath, the first licensees on the Ballarat Goldfields. The Homestead and its surrounds were built with classic distinction and grace.

Since the Bath era, the property has been lovingly cared for by the Coghlan and Charles families. For the generations that have resided here since then, the spirit of Ceres has provided safety, protection and abundance from her bounty.